19 September 2008

100,000 waiting for Russian visas

Around 100,000 Kyrgyzstan nationals are waiting for Russian immigration visas, a political expert told 24.kg yesterday.

Alexander Knyazev, a political expert and doctor of history, told the news provider that 130,000 Kyrgyzstan nationals recently applied for Russian visas, yet only 30,000 of them have been approved.

"These figures do not witness the real number of those willing to move to Russia from Kyrgyzstan, but discloses pessimistic mood of the citizens," Knyazev said.

Since Kyrgyzstan’s independence, its population has dramatically decreased due to Russian immigration; since 1991 the Russian population in the country reduced from 21 per cent to 8 per cent in 2008.

The Worldwide Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in Russian visa and immigration services.

Article by Jessica Bird, Worldwide Visa Bureau.

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