15 December 2010

Survey reveals Australia as desired destination for migrating Brits

A new survey has found that one in three Britons would leave the United Kingdom if they had the chance to do so, and Australia is one of the top destinations.

Australia immigration

Australian immigration is very appealing to Brits, with one in three considering emigrating abroad.

The Gallup polling firm said a rising percentage of the British population appears ready to migrate - with Australian immigration seen as one of the most favourable options.

"Britons, in fact, are among the most likely in the European Union to say they would like to move, sharing the top spot with Romanians," said Gallup.

Some 33 per cent of respondents said they would leave the UK permanently if they could.  Those who want to leave would most like to emigrate to Australia, Spain, the United States, and Canada, Gallup said.

The survey found that Britons' relatively high level of desire to migrate suggests an underlying dissatisfaction among a sizable portion of the population, with not only economic conditions but also with conditions in local communities.

Gallup data suggest that UK leaders need to be doing more to increase individual day-to-day wellbeing, the survey said.

The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people lodge their Australia visa application with the Australian Embassy

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