Canadian Visa Bureau » News » Canadian visa initiative help newcomers reach full potential

21 March 2006

Canadian visa initiative help newcomers reach full potential

Ontario needs the skills of newcomers and the Ontario government is committed to breaking down barriers to get them into the workforce faster, Ontario Citizenship and Immigration Minister Mike Colle told a national think tank yesterday.

“Over half of our working age newcomers arriving over the past two years have some form of post-secondary education. They have the skills and experience Ontario needs to compete and do business around the world,” Colle said. “As a government we are helping newcomers make the most of their life in Ontario.”

Colle was speaking at a conference on “Integrating Immigrants: Building Partnerships that Work,” a national audience of decision-makers from business, labour, government, the academic community and the not-for-profit sector.

The Ontario government is committed to helping newcomers reach their full potential, through a number of initiatives:

“The Ontario government is committed to breaking down the barriers that prevent our newcomers from reaching their full potential. That means working with regulatory bodies and employers to ensure internationally trained professionals work in their field as soon as possible,” Colle added.

The Ontario government invests more in programs and services for newcomers than any other province.