12 October 2009

Study in Australia tops for Indian students

A new survey of Indian students has found that studying in Australian on an Australian Student Visa is still a popular choice ahead of the US and the UK.

The recent survey by IDP Education found that studying in Australia is seen as safe and that 26 per cent of over 1000 Indian students surveyed ranked Australia as the safest nation.

The Australian Government has put together a number of policies over the past few years to promote study in Australia and Australian student visas as an attractive and safe option for overseas students.   

Studying destinations like Great Britain and Canada came second with 20 per cent of the vote, and  New Zealand and America secured 13 per cent and five per cent respectively.

Australia is also seen has having the best government policies to protect international students, which the country coming ahead of other all other countries including the US, Great Britain, Canada and New Zealand.

“These results are very encouraging in the light of recent challenges to Australia’s reputation as a quality, safe and good value provider of education to Indian students,” IDP Education chief executive Tony Pollock said.

Indian students also ranked Australia as the best place for accessing permanent residency and student visas.

The full findings of the survey, conducted among more than 6,000 students, will be released later this week as part of the Australian International Education Conference in Sydney.

 The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people emigrating to Australia and their Australia visa applications.

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