25 March 2011

Canadian Immigration partner with New Zealand to prevent fraud

International efforts to combat immigration fraud have been strengthened following the signing of an information-sharing initiative with New Zealand and Canada.

Canadian immigration

The partnership between Canada and New Zealand will combat immigration fraud.

The Canadian Immigration minister Jason Kenney made an announcement about the initiative, which will allow Canada to securely and confidentially check the fingerprint information of asylum seekers and foreign nationals facing deportation in Canada with those stored in New Zealand immigration databases.

“This initiative will help Canadian immigration authorities detect foreign criminals and previous deportees who are trying to re-enter Canada without permission,” said Minister Kenney.

“Canada already has similar initiatives in place with the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States, and we are pleased to expand this partnership to include New Zealand.”

The ability to check identities with helps identify people using false identities or people with criminal histories, and gives greater confidence that non-genuine immigration cases will be refused through the improved detection of fraudulent identity and immigration claims.

Canadian citizens will not be affected, nor will visitors, foreign students or foreign workers. Most permanent residents will not be affected either, other than those who acquired their status via a successful refugee claim.

The Canadian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people make their Canada Visa application to the Canadian Embassy.   

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