24 September 2008

UNICEF praises the UK Gov't for changing its child immigration laws

UNICEF has applauded the UK Government in a press release this week for amending its laws on child immigration.

After negative reviews of the current legislation that allows the children of illegal immigrants to be detained, the UK Government will be granting child migrants the same rights as children who were born in the UK, even if they do not have UK visas.  

Jacqui Smith, UK Home Secretary, said, "We want every child to be as safe and secure as possible. While the lifting of the immigration reservation does not mean that every child who comes to the UK will be entitled to remain, it does signal our commitment to treat children in the UK immigration system with compassion."

All children who are seeking asylum, trafficked into or immigrating to the UK will now be given the same educational, medical and social care services as British children.  Immigrant children will now also not be subject to any of the immigration laws and penalties their parents or guardians may face, including detention. 

The government conducted a six-month review into the immigration and citizenship laws regarding the rights of a child, and in line with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, have ensured that all children in Britain will have access to education, health care and social services while going through the immigration process, regardless of whether or not they will be allowed to stay in the UK after their case has been assessed.

The UK Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in UK visa and immigration services.

Article by Jessica Bird, UK Visa Bureau.

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