19 May 2010

Medical advancement increases demand for Canadian migrants with lab technician skills

Medical advances are transforming the jobs of medical laboratory technologists and contributing to the growing demand for new workers in Canada, educators say.

Progress in medical technology in chemistry, hematology, microbiology, diagnostic imaging and medical radiologic technology are creating a more integrated job market for medical laboratory technologists (MLT).

While medical laboratory technologists often operate behind the scenes, they play a vital role in delivering health-care services in Canada. By 2015, projections show that half of Ontario's technologists will reach retirement age, and combined with the medical requirements of the aging population, there is expected to be increasing demand for highly skilled new MLTs.

Educational institutions have been increasing the number of positions available to study to become a MLT, but also Canadian immigration could help fill the gaps.

Many foreign-trained medical workers who immigrate to Canada initially work as technicians, while applying to have their own credentials recognised.

Dean of SAIT's School of Health and Public Safety, Allen Billy, says the supply of medical technologists in all fields is so high that last fall a student who had just been accepted into the diagnostic medical stenography diploma program was offered a permanent job upon graduation in two years: before even opening a textbook.

The Canadian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people lodge their Canadian Visa applications with the Canadian Embassy.   

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