03 February 2010

Study in Canada touted as flexible at education fair

Representatives of higher education institutions and Canadian immigration officials were keen to detail the flexibility of the Canadian educational system at the Canadian Education Fair in Brunei yesterday.

Canadian immigration

Study in Canada information and options were given at an education fair in Brunei.

The single day fair at the Rizqun International Hotel gave potential students an opportunity to gain more information about education options, as well as have any Canadian immigration questions answered.

Among the main advantages of a Canadian education is the option of being able to change courses within the first two years of study.

Theresa Bennett , admissions officer from Columbia College, said often students do not know specifically what they want to study when the finish school.

"When they start university they have an idea of what they are interested in, but sometimes when they come to a new environment, they're exposed to this whole new world and they find something else that they're really interested in," she said.

"In that respect, Canadian universities are not as rigid as the British system, where you really need to decide what you want to study first because there is sometimes very little option in changing courses other than starting again the following year."

The other major benefit of study in Canada is the ability to work part-time during term and full-time during the summer, as well as the opportunity for further work experience at the completion of studies. After obtaining a degree, or diploma, it is possible to apply for a Canadian work permit that allows another three years in the country.

The Canadian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people with their Canadian Visa applications to the Canadian High Commission.

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