24 January 2011

Adelaide crowned Australia’s most liveable city

Adelaide is Australia’s most liveable city, a national survey by the Property Council of Australia has found.

Australian visa

The Property Council of Australia has found Adelaide is Australia's most liveable city.

More than 4,000 residents of capital cities were asked to rank the importance of 17 key attributes - such as school facilities, natural environment, public transport and traffic congestion - and how their city rated on each.

Adelaide, in South Australia, achieved an overall liveability score of just over 63 per cent, slightly ahead of Canberra which came in second.

The South Australian Government was also rated as the best performing, with 54 per cent of respondents rating its performance as excellent, good or fair.

The Northern Territory government achieved the lowest ranking of just 36 per cent, and Darwin was voted the second least liveable city in the country.

Sydney, in New South Wales, polled the lowest score of just above 55 per cent.

The Property Council says governments should use the survey to help provide better services.

The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people lodge their Australia Visa application with Australian Embassy. 

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