21 May 2008

New occupations added to the Australian Migration Occupations in Demand List

The Australian government has added more occupations to its Migration Occupations in Demand List (MODL), which helps those looking for a visa to Australia. The list has seen twelve additional occupations added to it, with those added coming from Australian industry sectors identified as those with severe skills shortages or a lack of workers.

Included among those added are engineering manager, electronics engineer, optometrist, dental technician, landscape gardener and tree surgeon. A range of IT professional positions were added to the list, with those specialising in data warehousing, Linux, .Net technologies, Solaris and Unix now being in demand.

Those applying for an Australian skilled visa can gain extra points in the application process if their occupation is on the Australian MODL, as well as priority processing for their Australian visa application.

The Australian MODL is reviewed on a twice yearly basis, taking into account existing and emerging skills shortages. Commenting on the recent changes, Tom Blackett, Spokesperson for the Australian Visa Bureau said: "With the changes so recently announced, now is the ideal time for anyone with an occupation on the MODL to complete an online Australian visa application. Australian visa regulations can change with very little forewarning, so it's imperative that any migration hopefuls strike while the iron is hot."

Australia needs skilled workers: Anyone applying for an Australian visa should begin by completing the Australian Visa Bureau's online Australian visa application to see if they meet the Australian visa requirements.

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