15 January 2009

Aus immigration calling for 60 permanent IT staff to cut costs for taxpayers

The Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) is launching a recruitment drive to hire 60 permanent IT specialists in order to cut back its use of contractors, reports The Australian.

A DIAC spokesperson said the initiative is the result of recommendations from efficiency expert Sir Peter Gershon, who advised the Government to replace hired IT contractors with permanent specialists so that millions of taxpayers' dollars can be saved.

According to Sir Peter, the Government could save around $100 million if they were to reduce the number of hired contractors across all agencies by half over the next three years.

The DIAC spokesperson said the Government is welcoming the review's recommendations, which focus on consistency, efficiency, and future planning.

"Investing in ongoing positions will help us manage our business-as-usual IT operation more efficiently; it is better management of our skills base and ensures our operations are sustainable - all consistent with key tenets of Sir Peter’s review," he said.

"We want our IT professionals to build their careers with us and develop and retain their skills base within the department.  We are committed to well-trained and supported staff."

DIAC are specifically looking for IT specialists with helpdesk, SAP and Java skills to add to their 1025-strong IT and communications staff.

The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people with emigrating to Australia.

Article by Jessica Bird, Australian Visa Bureau.

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