15 January 2008

Australian immigration for science sector

Qualified science workers are finding many job opportunities in Australia at the moment, according to research by employment consultant Kelly Services. Scientists considering Australian immigration may find their specialist skills in high demand.

People with chemistry degrees are in high demand due to the mining boom and the expanding pharmaceuticals industry, Online Recruitment reports. Environmental scientists are also finding many job opportunities as climate and water issues become a priority. Geologists and mining industry professionals are also needed.

The highest salaries are being paid in Perth, where there is a shortage of experienced laboratory technicians and chemists, especially people with laboratory skills such as wet chemistry skills, instrumental analysis and quality systems. Older workers are finding themselves more popular than ever before as a source of skills and experience.

Australia is currently experiencing its lowest rate of unemployment in 33 years and the booming economy is driving demand for skilled workers.

Australia needs skilled scientists: Anyone applying for an Australia skilled visa should begin by completing the Australian Visa Bureau's online Australian visa application to see if they meet the Australian visa requirements.

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