11 November 2008

More UK backpackers heading to Australia

According to the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC), the number of young holidaymakers has increased by 21 per cent over the past three months despite the global economic crisis, reports Homes Worldwide.

The DIAC announced the number of young Brits planning to holiday in Australia on an Australian Working Holiday visa increased by 21 per cent over a three month period during 2008.

According to the results, the Department granted 11,203 Australian Working Holiday visas to young Brits during July, August and September, while 6,133 Irish residents were granted the same visa over the same period, representing a 37 per cent increase.

It is possible that more young travellers are recognising the advantages of holidaying in Australia during the global economic decline; the falling "Aussie Dollar" and global recession is making travel to Australia much more affordable. 

The past few weeks has seen the dollar slide against global currencies, including the currencies of two of its top tourist sources – the UK and America – making Australia more affordable to travellers from those countries.

The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people with their Australian visa application.

Article by Jessica Bird, Australian Visa Bureau.

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