05 December 2008

Australians told by govt: "no leave, no life"

The Federal Government urged Australians to take their holiday leave to help the national economy, reports Reuters.

According to the news source, the country's 11 million-strong permanent workforce has accrued 121 million days of paid-leave entitlement.  The government has called upon the nation to use their leave to holiday in Australia, so that the economy can remain afloat in the global turmoil.

The Australian Tourism Minister Martin Ferguson has spearheaded the campaign, "No Leave, No Life", to encourage workers to take their entitled leave and make businesses aware they should be pushing that mentality onto their employees.  The campaign has a strong focus on encouraging domestic holidays so that the economy can truly benefit from Australian holidaymakers. 

"It is good for business, good for employees and potentially good for our tourism industry as it faces some tough times because of the global financial crisis," Ferguson said.

Although Australia's tourism industry usually reaps the economic rewards, this year because of the global financial slowdown, fewer tourists on an Australian holiday visa from key markets such as Japan, the UK and the US are flying to Australia.

The Australian tourism industry is worth $40 billion every year, or 4 per cent of gross domestic product, and creates around half a million jobs.  International tourists contribute to one quarter of this industry.

The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people with emigrating to Australia.

Article by Jessica Bird, Australian Visa Bureau.

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