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Working in America

Migrating to America will provide you with plenty of employment opportunities, as you will be able to develop your career by working in some fantastic jobs. There are many online employment services available for those looking for work, and most large daily newspapers advertise job vacancies on their websites.

General job search websites are a great place to start, because they allow you to search an employment database. Research tools including free salary calculators, such as and, are also useful when looking into jobs in America.

Some general job search websites to visit include:

American Recruitment Agencies

A recruitment agency might be the way to go when looking for employment in America. They often take the hassle out of finding work and, given you have the right skills, will be able to find you a competitive rate of pay.

Another website which may be useful for jobs and employment in America is the Yellow Pages Employment Agency Directory, which allows you to search for employment agencies in the area of America you would like to live.