10 December 2007

New Zealand skills shortage looking for immigrants

New Zealand is a country that has a permanent skills shortage, even in good times, and will always need to fill the job gaps with people from overseas through New Zealand immigration, according to recruitment firms.

Barry Dreyer, from specialist executive search and selection firm Fleet & Partners, says there has always been a skills shortage in New Zealand. "Even in good times there is a skills shortage. It's the same today as it was ten or 20 years ago when it comes to available skill sets," he commented.

Mr Dreyer notes that the labour market for executive recruitment is particularly tight. New Zealand has not trained enough talented executives over the past 15 years, especially in the manufacturing sector. He says that New Zealand companies are now getting much better at recruiting managers with overseas experience and New Zealand visas.

New Zealand needs skilled workers: anyone interested in New Zealand immigration should complete the New Zealand Visa Bureau's online New Zealand visa assessment to see if they qualify for a New Zealand visa.

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