09 June 2010

Partners applying for UK Visa face new language test

People coming to the UK from outside the EU to join their partner or to marry must be able to demonstrate a basic command of English under new rules, the government has announced.

UK Visa

Starting this autumn, partners will have to pass English language tests before being issued with a UK Visa.

Compulsory English language tests will be introduced this autumn for migrants applying to come to the UK to join their partner, and all non-Europeans will have to demonstrate they have enough English for everyday life before being granted a UK Visa.
The new rules apply to spouses, civil partnerships, unmarried couples, same sex partners and fiancés and includes those applying from within the UK or from overseas, and applicants must also be able to meet a number of other criteria such as having the ability to financially support themselves.

UK Home Secretary Theresa May said this was “the first step” in ensuring that those who benefit from being in the UK can also contribute to society.

“The new requirement for spouses will help promote integration, remove cultural barriers and protect public services,” she said.

The announcement is one of a wide range of measures the new Government is taking to ensure that UK immigration is properly controlled.


The UK Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in  helping people lodging their applications for a UK Visa with the British High Commission

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