02 November 2007

English language tests for UK immigration

Details are starting to flow through about the promised revamp to UK immigration for people who want to work or study in this country. The Home Office has announced that the new points-based system will be introduced in a number of phases.

Initially, the changes will impact on highly skilled migrants coming to the UK. These Tier 1 changes will happen in the first few months of next year after the Home Office has released the official guidance notes.

The points assessment for skilled or highly skilled migrants will include a requirement that the potential immigrant prove they have an acceptable standard of English.

It may be necessary to provide evidence of passing an acceptable English language test to meet this requirement. The Border and Immigration Agency will publish a list of English language tests that are acceptable.

Anyone interested in getting a better understanding of their current position under UK visa regulations should request a call from a qualified UK Visa Bureau migration consultant to see if they are eligible for migration to the UK, or call direct on Freephone 0800 043 7011. Alternatively, HSMP visa hopefuls should try taking the HSMP online assessment.

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