09 November 2007

Changes to New Zealand immigration skilled migrant category

New Zealand immigration has announced changes to the skilled migrant category for New Zealand visas. The amendments will affect how New Zealand immigration assess whether an application for a New Zealand visa includes a job offer that is "skilled employment". Changes have also been made to the system for recognising foreign qualifications.

New Zealand immigration has announced changes to the skilled migrant category for New Zealand visas. The amendments will affect how New Zealand immigration assess whether an application for a New Zealand visa includes a job offer that is "skilled employment". Changes have also been made to the system for recognising foreign qualifications.

New Zealand is to adopt the Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations (ANZSCO) as the basis for assessing what is skilled employment. This list of occupations categorises by skill level, core tasks and qualifications and/or experience required. Jobs are ranked between one and five, with one being the highest skill level.

An applicant for a New Zealand visa will now have to establish their job or job offer is consistent with the ANZSCO categorisation. They will also have to prove they have the relevant qualifications and/or experience and, in some cases, a minimum salary requirement.

In order to score points for a skilled migrant New Zealand visa, in most cases it will now be necessary to prove your qualifications meet level four of the New Zealand Qualification Authority's NZ Register of Quality Assured Qualifications.

There are some exceptions where level three qualifications will be recognised and trade certificates will be assessed under a different framework.

The changes will come into effect on November 26th, 2007.

New Zealand needs skilled workers: Anyone interested in New Zealand immigration should complete the New Zealand Visa Bureau's online New Zealand visa assessment to see if they qualify for a New Zealand visa.

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