New Zealand Visa Bureau » News » New Zealand is tops for nature lovers, adventure sports

07 November 2006

New Zealand is tops for nature lovers, adventure sports

Adventure sports enthusiasts and nature lovers have been heading to New Zealand for years and it comes as no surprise that the country has topped a worldwide survey for natural beauty and outdoor activities.

In an extensive survey of frequent travelers carried out by Country Brand Index 2006 (CBI), New Zealand also ranked second for family activities and second as the most "authentic" brand, in terms of distinctive, genuine and unique cultures.

Researchers surveyed over 1500 international travelers, travel industry experts and hospitality professionals, all of whom had traveled internationally at least once per year.

Their comments allowed researchers to construct the index, gauging what people thought about countries and establishing which locations were likely to be the most sought after destinations for travelers this and next year.

Australia was the top country brand, Egypt had the best architecture and monuments, Peru was the most exotic, Canada was the safest ahead of New Zealand in third place, and Italy had the best food and nightlife.

"Powerful marketing is only as good as the experience the individual has on the ground and this is something New Zealand has done brilliantly," Future Brand senior strategy consultant Dominic Mason told the New Zealand Press Association.

"New Zealand's emergence as the number one country for outdoors is a triumph of brand experience matching the brand promise.

"Governments throughout the world can look to New Zealand as a country that has fulfilled much of its potential as a country brand," he said.

If you are interested in an experience of a lifetime in New Zealand, a New Zealand Working Holiday Visa could be for you.

The New Zealand Working Holiday Visa Scheme gives young people aged between 18 and 30 the opportunity to travel to New Zealand and undertake employment during their stay to help supplement their travels.