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Australian Partner Visa

Visa Bureau is not affiliated with the Australian Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) and is a website specialising in visa and immigration information to Australia. Visas are available from the Australian Government at a lower cost when you apply with them directly as we charge a professional fee for the service we provide as migration agents.

Australian Partner Visas

Individuals who wish to emigrate to Australia on the basis of having an Australian partner, fiancee or spouse can apply for an Australian Partner Visa.

 Complete the Free Online Australian Partner Visa Assessment

Australian Visa Bureau's free online Partner Visa assessment will provide you with your points score on completion and you will be given the option at that stage to request a free telephonic or email consultation with an experienced migration consultant specialising in evaluating eligibility for migration to Australia. As part of this initial free consultation, the consultant will discuss the options open to you and provide you with guidance on what visas are suitable and practical to you situation. Additionally, should you decide to use us to assist you with your skilled migration visa application, your migration consultant will explain our service charges. Our service charges are dependent on both the visa subclass and your own individual circumstances; for example, while our service charge can be as low as £29, it can range to £2,400 for some visa applications. This is not inclusive of VAT, the Australian government fees or any other costs associated with the application.

If you are married to, in a committed relationship with or the fiancee of an Australian citizen or permanent resident, you may be able to obtain an Australian Partner Visa.

All applicants for a Partner Visa must have an Australian sponsor. Your sponsor must provide a written statement pledging to support you for your first 2 years in Australia, including accommodation and financial assistance to meet reasonable living needs.

Your relationship with your partner will be assessed as part of the application process. Additionally, applications are assessed against Australian health and character requirements.

Married Partners

  • To apply for a Partner Visa on the basis of your marriage, you must be legally married to your partner. If you were married in a country other than Australia, your marriage will generally be recognised as valid under Australian law.

De Facto or 'Common Law' Spouse

  • If you are applying for a Partner Visa as a de facto spouse, you and your partner generally must have been in a de facto relationship for the 12 months immediately prior to lodging your application.

Same Sex Couples

  • The Partner Visa also allows same sex partner migration to Australia.

Fiancee Visa

  • A Prospective Marriage Visa is a temporary visa that is valid for 9 months. You must enter Australia as a fiancee and marry your sponsor within the period the visa is valid.