24 June 2008

Australia attracts more New Zealanders to emigrate

Australia is attracting more New Zealanders for immigration than ever, with almost 45,000 approved for an Australian visa. According to figures from the National Party in New Zealand, 44,749 people moved from the country to Australia permanently in the year to May. This compares to 37,713 for the previous year.

Lockwood Smith, the immigration spokesman, said: "When we look at the net exodus of people, the migration rate is even worse. In the past 12 months, even after factoring in the number of people coming to live here, our net loss to Australia was 31,194."

Recent figures show the population of Australia is soaring, with immigration thought to be a significant contributor to the population increase. People on temporary Australian visas accounted for 100,000 people entering the country for the six months to April, reports the Age. Australia's population has reached a record rate, increasing by one million every three years. The country is also a popular choice with British nationals, with 83,000 of them having opted for an Australian visa in the past decade.

Australia needs skilled workers: Anyone applying for an Australian visa should begin by completing the Australian Visa Bureau's online Australian visa application to see if they meet the Australian visa requirements.

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