22 October 2009

Most Australian visa overstayers 'are English lads'

The Australian Immigration Minister, Senator Chris Evans says many of those who overstay their visas for Australia are young English lads having too good a time.

The Australian Immigration Department told a Senate hearing in Canberra this week that as of June 30, a total of 48,456 people had overstayed their Australian visa.

"Visa overstayers are people who come on a valid visa who then become unlawful overstayers," Senator Evans said.

"They're often young Englishmen who have gone to a party and are a few days late because they're having such a good time in Sydney.
"Or they've met a young lady and [they're] having a good time."

Senator Evans said they usually went home within a week of the Australian visa expiring.

The number of international students who overstayed their Australian Student Visa was also raised during the hearing, although this is a relatively small number in comparison with as of June 30 about 3,500 student visa overstayers.

It is important that Australian Visa holders adhere to the Department of Immigration regulations and entry permissions, particularly as overstaying your Australian Visa may result in any further applications being denied.

Most British nationals between the ages of 18 and 30 take up an Australian Working Holiday Visa, which allows them to work while travelling around Australia for 12 months.


 The Australian Visa Bureau is an independent consulting company specialising in helping people with their Australian Visa application and emigrating to Australia.

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