11 July 2008

New employment requirements in Australia 'should not put off visa applicants'

The new National Employment Standards in Australia should not concern people looking to get a visa for the country, according to an expert. The new rules, which will be introduced in two years, are aimed at making the process easier and more flexible for employers, reports Shelter Offshore.

A limit to weekly hours, allowance for flexible working requests, parental leave and annual leave requirements are some examples included in the new standards. Rhiannon Davies from the magazine said potential Australian visa applicants should not be put off by the new rules.

"The one thing that the NES certainly do not do is discriminate in any way between Australian and expatriate workers, therefore British expats looking for jobs in Australia need not be worried about the new standards when seeking employment," she added. Ms Davies stated the unions in Australia say the new requirements are good for workers and employers.

Australia needs skilled workers: Anyone applying for an Australian visa should begin by completing the Australian Visa Bureau's online Australian visa application to see if they meet the Australian visa requirements.

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